Just Imagine

Cure Mental Health Disease
1 min readSep 24, 2021

What if our minds were treated with the same respect as our bodies? Like the “War on Cancer” 50 years ago, just imagine if we would have had a “War on Mental Health Diseases and Suicide” …..

War on Cancer, 1971:

“This year marks the 50th anniversary of the December 1971 signing of the National Cancer Act, which led to the establishment of the National Cancer Program and significantly expanded the authorities and responsibilities of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Federal funding for cancer research has led to significant advances in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for patients, leading to a record 16.9 million survivors of cancer alive in the United States today.” https://www.asco.org/advocacy/advocacy-agenda-initiatives/federally-funded-cancer-research/

Now, read again, and each time you see the word “Cancer”, replace it with the words “Mental Health Diseases and Suicide”. Cancer research is undoubtedly important. So is research for diseases of our minds — our brains.

Just imagine If we had treated our mental well-being with the same respect as we did cancer 50 years ago, the different world we would be living in today.



Cure Mental Health Disease

I am working with a group of professionals advocating for research into the biological causes of brain disease. https://curementalhealthdisease.com/